Off Island Perspective – February & March 2020
It took 150 million years to extinguish the last of the Chinese paddlefish, a species that swan in schools along the river being an easy catch for net fishermen.
It took 150 million years to extinguish the last of the Chinese paddlefish, a species that swan in schools along the river being an easy catch for net fishermen.
On January 7, 2020, Roatan was visited by Honduras’ venerated holy statue of Our Lady of Suyapa, the Patroness of Honduras.
Roatan is now home to the world’s biggest turtle sculpture. The Carey Turtle is 96’-6”long and 46 feet wide and weighs 18,000 pounds and after a precarious project of building it, cutting it has been lifted on top of a four-story West End commercial building.
My great grandfather on my mother’s side was a native of the Cayman Islands. My Father’s people have a British last name and were among the first settlers of Guanaja hailing from Grand Cayman.
On January 7, the statue of Virgin Suyapa, the most revered religious object in Honduras, landed for the first time on Roatan.
Despite ongoing political intrigues, during the outbreak of World War 1, I saw Roatán and the rest of Honduras in a relatively peaceful state, untroubled by events on the other side of the Atlantic.
Talented and soulful singer Caron Pinnace of Pandy Town has been performing poignant renditions of songs by some of the most iconic singers of all time, including Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Marley, and Tracy Chapman.
Born on July 29, 1928. Annie Elizabeth Bodden is a quintessential, old school Utilian: soft spoken, witty and tough.
In 1683 Roatan hosted the largest meeting of pirates in history; they planned a series of attacks on Spanish towns and shipping routes.
A little noticed law has been making a difference in the Roatan Municipality.