Roatan’s Beauty, Truth & Wisdom

January 2025

The government COVID lockdown policies of 2020 ruined some people, made others more resilient, and even made some prosper. For Mitch Cummins, a long term American island resident, the lockdowns created a life changing business opportunity.

By the providential will of Pope Pius XI, this last Sunday of October is dedicated to the Universal Kingship of Our Lord. The encyclical Quas Primas, promulgated on December 11, 1925, illustrates this doctrine and the reasons why, by virtue of the hypostatic union –

In late October, I received a link to an online article that had been recently published in a well-known travel magazine. “This Central American Beach was Named Most Relaxing Beach in the World”, the headline read in part, with the location in question being none

For Ms. Felipa de Jesus Pandy, living is a passion. She was born on February 5, 1929, at her grandmother’s home in Diamond Rock. Her father, Edwin Matute Tennison, was a farmer, and her mother, Katherine Matute Hernández, was a homemaker from Politilly.

Between October 30 and November 1, a Honduran ministry of Health “pediatric brigade” evaluated children with physical and mental disabilities from all over Roatan. The medical staff was seeing little patients with Autism, ADHD, language and motor skill issues. Dr. Hugo Soler, the Bay Islands

Megapaca has brought dignity to discarded, donated, and used clothing. The store has also brought excitement and self esteem to shoppers who browse the aisles looking for inexpensive but attractive items that are sold at a fraction of what they would cost in nearby Carrion

[vc_empty_space][vc_column_text][eltdf_dropcaps type="normal" color="" background_color=""]R[/eltdf_dropcaps]oatan is thriving economically, but most people fail to consider just how much the mainland in Honduras is thriving alongside it. The economic boom in Honduras is having a direct impact on the island, and the all-in-all economic future is looking bright.